Cheating cop Timothy Brehmer is cleared of murdering his lover Claire Parry

Enterprise News and Pictures 27/10/20 Pic shows: Mugshot released today of Dorset Police Constable Timothy Brehmer, 41, who was found not guilty today at Salisbury Crown Court of murdering of his lover, Claire Parry, 41, who was strangled in a pub car park. He had already admitted manslaughter and will be sentenced tomorrow (Weds). He was alleged to have killed nurse Claire Parry, who was married to another cop, before slashing his own wrists after she sent a text to his wife revealing that he was having an affair. Brehmer was arrested at the scene of the attack at The Horns Inn pub at West Parley, near Bournemouth, Dorset, where he was found bleeding from arm injuries. Claire Parry was allegedly attacked at around 3.30pm on Saturday May 9 and taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead the following day. A post-mortem gave the cause of death as a brain injury caused by neck compression. See story...

Dorset Police Constable Timothy Brehmer, 41, was found not guilty today at Salisbury Crown Court of murdering his lover, Claire Parry, 41, who was strangled in a pub car park. He had already admitted manslaughter and will be sentenced tomorrow (Weds).

The jury took just under three hours to clear Brehmer of the murder charge after he claimed he killed Claire by accident as he tried to bundle her out of the car.

Claire Parry

Following the verdict Claire’s family said married cop Brehmer had robbed her children “of a million hugs and kisses from their mummy” and her husband Andrew said Brehmer shed “crocodile tears” and told “lie after lie” following his arrest and during his trial.

He was alleged to have killed nurse Claire Parry, who was married to another cop, before slashing his own wrists after she sent a text to his wife revealing that he was having an affair.

Brehmer was arrested at the scene of the attack at The Horns Inn pub at West Parley, near Bournemouth, Dorset, where he was found bleeding from arm injuries.

Dorset Police officer Andrew Parry, husband of Claire Parry

The prosecution claimed Claire Parry was attacked at around 3.30pm on Saturday May 9 and taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead the following day. A post-mortem gave the cause of death as a brain injury caused by neck compression.

 Dorset Police Constable Timothy Brehmer, pictured with his wife Martha

Detective Chief Inspector Richard Dixey, of the Major Crime Investigation Team (MCIT), said: “Following a detailed and comprehensive investigation, the circumstances of the case were heard in court and Brehmer was found not guilty of murder. He had previously pleaded guilty to the offence of manslaughter.

CCTV showing Dorset Police Constable Timothy Brehmer’s grey Citroen car arriving at the Horns Inn pub in Christchurch Road, West Parley, on May 9 this year where he met lover Claire Parry before killing her a short time later 

“Our thoughts remain with the family of Mrs Parry and I would like to pay tribute to the dignified way in which they have conducted themselves throughout the investigation.

“I would like to thank all those involved in the investigation, including our partners in the Crown Prosecution Service and the prosecution team, for their assistance in this difficult case.”

Dorset Police started misconduct proceedings against Brehmer after he pleaded guilty to manslaughter at Winchester Crown Court on July 8 2020 which ruled that the officer had to be dismissed with immediate effect and would be placed on the national barred list

Chief Constable James Vaughan said: “As police officers our duty, first and foremost, is to protect the public and for a serving officer to take a life of another in this way is incomprehensible. His conduct fell dramatically below that which I, his colleagues and the public expect from a police officer and he clearly has no place holding the office of constable.

“Our thoughts very much remain with Claire Parry’s family, friends and loved ones. Our commitment to supporting her family and all those good officers in the Dorset Police family who have been affected by this incident will continue.

“I would like to thank the investigation team for the fair, dispassionate, and professional manner in which they approached this extremely difficult case.”

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