Julia James, 53, a serving Kent police community support officer, has been found murdered in Kent woodland after she was last seen walking her dog.
Her body was found just over two miles from where the Chillenden murders took place in 1996. Michael Stone was jailed for those murders, killing mother and daughter Lin and Megan Russell and their dog Lucy.
A murder investigation was launched after Julia James’ body was discovered in Akholt Wood, Snowdown, near Dover, just after 4pm on Tuesday.
Mrs James’ loyal Jack Russell was found remaining beside her body when she was found dead in an area popular with dog walkers.
The PCSO had been off duty when she was killed and police are carrying out extensive searches of the woodland area and nearby fields as they investigate the murder case, codenamed Operation Sark.
There is a heavy police presence police in the area with a white tent erected in the woods and a few hundred metres away, a house with a car and a van parked on the drive is under police guard.
Kent Police said they were pursuing “a number of lines of inquiry.”
Julia James with husband Paul
So far there have been no arrests and a post-mortem is due to take place to establish the cause of death.
Julia James, who lived in Aylesham, Kent, described as a “loving mum” and “pillar of the community,” became a PCSO in 2007 where she is thought to have worked in the domestic violence unit and she was married to husband Paul.
Her body was found just over two miles from the location of the Chillenden murders where Michael Stone was convicted of killing (L-R) Dr Lin Russell and daughter Megan, aged six, and the family dog. Nine-year-old Josie Russell also suffered terrible injuries but survived the attack.
Stone was sentenced to three life sentences with a tariff of 25 years and is due for release in 2023, when he will be aged 63.
Double killer Michael Stone leaves the High Court in handcuffs on February 6 2001 after being granted leave to appeal his conviction for the Chillenden murders. Pic: Jonathan Woods © GlobalNet Pictures
Stone has maintained his innocence and continues to contest his conviction.
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