Dumped Aaron McKenzie stabbed his ex Kelly Mary Fauvrelle to death and also killed their unborn son Riley when she left him for a postman

Enterprise News and Pictures 1/7/19 Pic shows: Heavily pregnant Kellymary Fauvrelle aka Kelly Mary Fauvrelle, 26, who became the London's 64th murder victim after she was stabbed to death in Thornton Heath, Croydon, on Saturday morning. Her baby miraculously survived the stabbing and was delivered at the murder scene but is now "unlikely to survive" as it fights for life in hospital. Kelly Mary's aunt said "they are doing a little blessing because they think the baby might not survive. I don't think the baby is going to make it. I think a decision has to be made on that today." In April Kelly Mary celebrated her pregnancy and posed (here) with a birthday cake and blue ballons that said "It's a boy" on them. The cake had the words "See you soon Riley!" written on it, indicating she had already chosen the child's name. Paramedics were able to deliver the baby, who is still fighting for its life in hospital following the stabbing at 3.30am on Saturday. Kelly Mary was eight months pregnant and went into in cardiac arrest as paramedics fought to deliver the baby alive. Police have not not revealed the gender of the baby, who is currently critical. Detective Chief Inspector Mick Norman said: "This is a horrific incident in which a young mother has lost her life and her child is critically ill. Our sympathies go out to her devastated family; they are being supported by specially trained officers following this awful event. At the forefront of our enquiries is understanding what exactly has lead to these tragic circumstances, and we are doing everything we can to establish the facts. Residents should be aware that if they have any concerns, or information they would like to share with us, that they can speak to any of the officers there, or call our incident room on 020 8721 4005. Alternatively please use the anonymous methods of reporting information to the police, such as Crimestoppers, if you wish." See

Dumped Aaron McKenzie murdered his heavily pregnant ex, Kelly Mary Fauvrelle, who was carrying his unborn child, by stabbing her 21 times after she left him for a postie she worked with at the Royal Mail.

He broke into her home in Thornton Heath, south London, on June 29 last year and crept into the bedroom they once shared where he repeatedly stabbed her, the Old Bailey heard today.

Kelly, 26, was 33 weeks pregnant when she was was attacked and their unborn son Riley was delivered by caesarian section at the murder scene and taken to hospital, but had severe brain damage and died four days later on a ventilator, the court was told.

Ms Fauvrelle was in a year long ‘toxic’ relationship with McKenzie, also 26, before she dumped him for fellow postie Rolander Chigwada in March 2019, the jury heard.

They had shared a love of motorbikes and McKenzie had wheeled his motorcycle through the alleyway of Kelly’s home on the night of the murder, prosecutor Duncan Penny, QC, told the jury.

Kelly’s screams during the attack woke her sister and mother who ran downstairs as McKenzie fled the house.

McKenzie was captured on CCTV running from the scene in Raymead Avenue and then appeared on his Yamaha R1 in a street close by shortly afterwards.

Opening the case, Mr Perry said: “In her womb, she was carrying a little boy, who was later to be named Riley during his very short life.

“She was 33 weeks pregnant. But when she had gone to bed on the night of Friday 28 June 2019, she had retired to her bedroom whilst all around her, under the same roof, other members of her family slept in the various other bedrooms of the house.

“Kelly’s bedroom was on the ground floor at the rear of the family house at Raymead Avenue, Thornton Heath.

“At around 3.15 am that morning, however, an intruder broke into her bedroom through the rear patio doors which formed part of the back wall of her room onto the back garden.

“That intruder proceeded to launch a vicious and a cowardly attack upon her, inflicting a total of 21 stab wounds with a knife. In the process the intruder murdered not only Kelly Fauvrelle, but through his attack upon Kelly he killed Riley, the unborn child she was carrying. That intruder was this defendant, Aaron McKenzie.

On Valentines Day Kelly Mary Fauvrelle posted this ultrasound image of  her unborn baby on her Facebook page and wrote: “Happy Valentine’s sweet pea … we can’t wait to meetYou ? ??” 

“As well as being their killer, the intruder was, in fact, both the former partner of Miss Fauvrelle and the father of Riley, the unborn child.


“The Crown’s case is that this was a vicious and a deliberate killing – perhaps you will conclude in due course the cowardly response of a man desperately jealous about the fact that the mother of his child yet to be born had moved on and now wanted very little to do with him”.

In April last year Kelly celebrated her pregnancy and posed with a birthday cake and a blue balloon that said “It’s a boy”. The cake had the words “See you soon Riley!” written on it as she had already chosen the child’s name.

Mr Penny said a decision was made to deliver the unborn baby at the scene because Ms Fauvrelle had sustained ‘catastrophic injuries’.

He also told the jury Ms Fauvrelle broke up with McKenzie last February. She had been offered a job with Royal Mail as a postwoman and in her new job she met Rolander Chigwada, another employee, who she formed a close relationship with over time.

McKenzie, of Friary Estate, Peckham, denies murder, manslaughter and possession of an offensive weapon.

The trial continues.

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