Double murderer Colin Pitchfork to be released aged 61 after serving 33 years

Enterprise News and Pictures 8/6/21 Pic shows: Mugshot of Colin Pitchfork, the first murderer convicted and jailed using DNA evidence, who was given a 30 year minimum sentence in 1988 for raping and murdering fifteen year old Leicestershire schoolgirls Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth. Pitchfork, now 61, can now be released, the Parole Board has confirmed. He has spent 33 years in prison - he was last denied parole in 2018. The Parole Board said it was satisfied Pitchfork was suitable for release, which is subject to conditions. Outlining the decision the Parole Board said at the time of the offences, Pitchfork had been someone who thought "about sex a lot" and used "violence and excessive force" and "sex to demonstrate power and control over women". He also struggled to cope with anger, loneliness and had a willingness to "seek revenge". But in prison, the Parole Board said he had taken part in several courses to address his behaviour and the panel heard Pitchfork's "behaviour in custody had been positive and had included extensive efforts to help others", including learning skills to help disabled people. The panel concluded: "After considering the circumstances of his offending, the progress made while in custody and the evidence presented at the hearing, the panel was satisfied that Mr Pitchfork was suitable for release." See story...

Colin Pitchfork, the first murderer convicted and jailed using DNA evidence, can now be released from prison.                                 © copyright GlobalNet Pictures

He was given a 30 year minimum sentence in 1988 for raping and murdering fifteen year old Leicestershire schoolgirls Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth and the Parole Board has confirmed Pitchfork, now 61, can be freed.

Pitchfork has spent 33 years behind bars and was last denied parole in 2018.

The Parole Board said it was satisfied Pitchfork was suitable for release, subject to conditions.

Leicestershire schoolgirl Lynda Mann, 15, who was raped and murdered by Colin Pitchfork    © copyright GlobalNet Pictures

Outlining their decision the Parole Board said that at the time of the offences, Pitchfork was someone who thought “about sex a lot” and used “violence and excessive force” and “sex to demonstrate power and control over women”.

© copyright GlobalNet Pictures

He also struggled to cope with anger and loneliness and possessed a willingness to “seek revenge”.

In prison he took part in a number of courses to address his behaviour which included extensive efforts to help others, including learning skills to help disabled people.

Dawn Ashworth, 15, who was raped and murdered by Colin Pitchfork     © copyright GlobalNet Pictures

The panel was told Pitchfork’s “behaviour in custody had been positive,” and concluded: “After considering the circumstances of his offending, the progress made while in custody and the evidence presented at the hearing, the panel was satisfied that Mr Pitchfork was suitable for release.”

Dawn Ashworth                                                              © copyright GlobalNet Pictures

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