Elizabeth Bow, 78, being evicted from care home after daughter broke visit rules seeing her through an ‘open’ door

Enterprise News and Pictures 17/11/20 Pic shows: Great-grandmother Elizabeth Bow, 78, a dementia sufferer, who is being evicted from her care home after she received an "unauthorised" visit from her daughter Denise Hobbs through an "open" patio door at Aspen Hill Village care home in Leeds. She is being evicted following a "breakdown" in relations between the family and the care home. On October 19 police officer Denise Hobbs tweeted this photo of her mum showing her on the other side of a window sitting inside the care home on the phone and wrote: " Mum is 78 today. I am not allowed to see her at window. She is to be evicted in 19 days because I have seen her at window. Mum has vascular dementia. Please stop this! " Denise, 53, told the Daily Express: "My mum is being evicted because I love her and want to see her. I have completely lost trust in the home, I don't see how they can justify a decision like this. "My mum is innocent but has become the victim. While this pandemic was going on we had permission to go and see my mum, but then it stopped all of a sudden. "All I want to do is see my mum, having that contact is so important. Now it's gone." Aspen Hill Village director Dr Shahz Ahmed made this statement: "It is with considerable regret that we had to ask the resident to leave Aspen Hill Village. Asking a resident to leave their home is never a decision that we take lightly. "The resident was asked to leave because her family refuses to comply with our visiting policy. We appreciate that restrictions placed on visiting is exceptionally difficult for our residents and their loved ones. "Unfortunately, our reasonable requests to adhere to our visiting policy has led to an irreconcilable breakdown in our relationship with the resident’s family." However, an Aspen Hill Village spokesperson has now said Elizabeth will not be evicted today, as previously reported, and that they are working with the

Great-grandmother Elizabeth Bow, 78, a dementia sufferer, is being evicted from her care home.

Authorities made the decision after Elizabeth received an “unauthorised” visit from her daughter Denise Hobbs through an “open” patio door at Aspen Hill Village care home in Leeds.

She is being forced to leave following a “breakdown” in relations between the family and the care home.

Elizabeth and Denise

On October 19 police officer Denise Hobbs tweeted a photo of her mum showing her on the other side of a window sitting inside the care home talking on the phone and wrote: “Mum is 78 today. I am not allowed to see her at window. She is to be evicted in 19 days because I have seen her at window. Mum has vascular dementia. Please stop this!”

Denise, 53, told the Daily Express: “My mum is being evicted because I love her and want to see her. I have completely lost trust in the home, I don’t see how they can justify a decision like this.

“My mum is innocent but has become the victim. While this pandemic was going on we had permission to go and see my mum, but then it stopped all of a sudden.

“All I want to do is see my mum, having that contact is so important. Now it’s gone.”

Aspen Hill Village director Dr Shahz Ahmed made this statement: “It is with considerable regret that we had to ask the resident to leave Aspen Hill Village. Asking a resident to leave their home is never a decision that we take lightly.

“The resident was asked to leave because her family refuses to comply with our visiting policy. We appreciate that restrictions placed on visiting is exceptionally difficult for our residents and their loved ones.

“Unfortunately, our reasonable requests to adhere to our visiting policy has led to an irreconcilable breakdown in our relationship with the resident’s family.”

Denise Hobbs

However, an Aspen Hill Village spokesperson has now said Elizabeth will not be evicted today, as previously reported, and that they are working with the council to find an “alternative placement”.

‘Old Lives Matter’ picture which Denise Hobbs has posted on her Facebook page

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